Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Examples of the previous post (coffee shop)

If you are not quite sure if downloading actions is worth the time, check out my before and afters. One thing I love about the coffee shop actions is that they are all adjustable to taste. So although one of my images may not be exactly your style, you can adjust it to your own individual style. I really like the look of URBAN photography (bright colors, or muted colors, increased contrast, and lighting)

------------original--------------------- with Barista action applied

original ------------------------------------see detail below---------- rasberrry tea action------

with sweet bakery glazes applied in the above middle picture (you can choose from 5 types of glazes, this one is strawberry. The "glaze" is what adds the soft blur effect)

----------original------------------------- see detail below--------

with Vivid action applied (you can choose 4 options: soft, vivid, bright, or urban) this one is using soft
with Vivid action applied using the urban option

------Original-------------------------- with vivid action using the bright option

Original ------------------------------------------with color pop pro action and a vignette added

1 comment:

Lytles said...

I love the vivid action with the bright option the best! They're all great shots! I can't wait to see what you do next! Hopefully I will be able to download actions too! We've been super busy lately but now that the kids are out of school we might find the time!